October 26, 2023
Daar is min dinge wat sulke negatiewe beelde by ‘n mens oproep as wanneer jy aan maaiers (maggots) dink.
July 26, 2023
Krappe is baie goeie aas vir veral geelvisse – grootbek en kleinbek, asook vir babers.
June 30, 2023
SUPER CAST WENKE vir winterhengel
Schalk van Breda is een van daardie hengelaars wat altyd met ‘n plan vorendag kom. Hy hou daarvan om terug…
June 14, 2023
How NOT to catch Yellowfish – A simple 5-Point Plan!
Yellowfish, in particular the smallmouth is a beautiful fish to catch, especially in rivers where fly fishing and artlure tactics…
April 19, 2023
Die Moddervis-strop vir Skelm Byte
Die Oranjeriviermoddervis is een van daardie visse wat vele hengelaars laat kopkrap met hulle vinnige, skelm stamp-stamp byte, maar as…
April 4, 2023
Casting Trace for Rocky Areas
Rocky areas in rivers are ideal places to target those bigger fish that feed on the crabs and other crustaceans…