It is an old, and true, saying, "If one door closes for you, another will open for you". During a…
Read More »Dis Julie-maand en ons is in die hartjie van die winter. Koud, maar tog maak ‘n top juniorhengelaar ons harte…
Read More »Soos alles in die lewe, gaan mens se lewe ook deur seisoene. Koue winters waar mens klippe kou en karakter…
Read More »Na die langste skoolkwartaal van die jaar het ek die voorreg gehad om op 25 Junie by Lock Nest Fishing…
Read More »Na al die reënval wat ons area in Limpopo gehad het het ek besluit ek wil een van die plaaslike…
Read More »Sakkie Wannenberg and André Fourie were the youngest peg of the Protea Carp team that won the recent carp international…
Read More »Hierdie is werklik ‘n Pappabeer-katrol! In die katogorie van spesiekarphengel-katrolle het dit ‘n groot profiel, en die gewig daarmee gepaard…
Read More »The Pro Mania Tournament Trail was established inter alia to create as many freshwater bank angling opportunities as possible with tournament hosts…
Read More »LESERS VANG VIS! Hierdie is ons lesers se eie blad waarop hul vangste spog-erkenning verdien. Epos die foto met besonderhede…
Read More »Although fishing is always part of my trips, Riaan Alleman also takes time to visit new places and, of course,…
Read More »Last month my boys Zade and Zunade and I were invited to join Riaan Alleman Riekert and his sons Wian…
Read More »This is my story. I had a dream. No, I am not Martin Luther King, I am just an ordinary…
Read More »In die winter is die babers maar traag om te byt, maar dan is dit die ideale geleentheid om genoeg…
Read More »Sensational Angling Supplies, known as 'Sensation' in the market, continues with its policy of continuous improvement and evolution that is…
Read More »Ai, ja, dis Julie, en die koue dae is besig om langer te word en die nagte korter, met net…
Read More »+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers. Annual members save R89.00.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card or EFT payment methods.
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card payment methods.
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers. Annual members save R89.00.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card or EFT payment methods.
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card payment methods.
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers. Annual members save R110.00.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card or EFT payment methods.
+ Monthly unrestricted access to For Anglers.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card payment methods.
NOTE: This Membership is exclusive for Pro Mania Anglers
You need to be:
– A Pro Mania Member (Non-Member or Full)
– Affiliated to SAFBAF (Can do through Pro Mania)
– Choose between Monthly (Card Only) or Annual (Card or EFT)
– For more Information Contact Cecile Sirgel at 076 813 0890
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers. Annual members save R80.00.
Entry to all Pro Mania competitions and Classics.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card or EFT payment methods.
+ Monthly unrestricted access to For Anglers.
Entry to all Pro Mania competitions and Classics.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card payment methods.
NOTE: This Membership is exclusive for SAFBAF Anglers
You need to be:
– A Member of a Club
– Affiliated to SAFBAF
– Choose between Monthly (Card Only) or Annual (Card or EFT)
+ 12 months of unrestricted access to For Anglers. Annual members save R80.00.
Entry to all SAFBAF club competitions, leagues, Trials and SA Championships.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card or EFT payment methods.
+ Monthly unrestricted access to For Anglers.
Entry to all SAFBAF club competitions, leagues, Trials and SA Championships.
+ Choose from secure credit / debit / cheque card payment methods.