JUNIORS: August 2024
Send your photo's to us: stywelyne@stywelyne.net
Email a clear photo of a junior with his or her catch with the details of the catch, name and age, marked “Juniors” to:
NB: Fish must be held preferably in a horizontal position with two hands, with no fingers in the gills or eyes, and not hanging on a hook.
Photos of endangered species such as Brindle Bass, Natal Wrasse, Potato Bass, Sawfin and Seventy-Four are not accepted.
BELANGRIK: Dit is belangrik dat visse so vir foto’s geposeer word dat geen handeling, wat deur ander as mishandeling gesien kan word, verskyn nie. Die korrekte manier wat ons ons jong hengelaartjies moet leer is dat twee hande gebruik word, een onder die voorste gedeelte van die lyf en een onder die stertkant.
VERY IMPORTANT: By submitting images of persons under the age of 18 years for publication, the person doing so gives full permission to publish it.
BAIE BELANGRIK: Die persoon wat beelde van persone onder 18 jaar voorlê vir publikasie verleen volle toestemming om sodanige beelde te publiseer.
Six-year-old Annabell caught this Frans madam when fishing with her father and brother. They were out at deep sea in Port Alfred.

Ray, 8 years old, love fishing with his father. He caught this black steenbras in Port Alfred when they were out at deep sea, using chokka as bait.