Juniors R hooked! • Juniors is geHOEK!
Hierdie is ons lesers se eie blad waarop hul vangste spog-erkenning kry. Epos die foto met besonderhede van die vangs aan die adres hieronder. Volgens wet moet die ouer of voog toestemming verleen om foto’s van minderjariges te publiseer. By inskrywing voeg by: “Ek verleen toestemming tot publikasie”. – Red.
This page recognises the catches made by readers – bragging rights are guaranteed! Email photos to the address below. By law parents or guardians must give permission to publish images of minors. The following permission must be added to your entry: “I give permission to publish”. – Ed.
Stuur jou foto/’s en besonderhede van die vangs na / Send your photo/s and details of the catch to lesers@foranglers.co.za
Khloè Smith
Khloè Smith went fishing with her father, Lionel and caught this carp weighing 5,96kg at Aston Lake, Springs. She is only 12 years old. Read about Lionel Smith’s catch here: Ons LESERS spog! • Our READERS brag!
Congratulations, Khloè! You are the WINNER of our product hamper giveaway! Enjoy it!
The latest digital edition of STYWE LYNE/TIGHT LINES is now available!