OP DIE VOORBLAD: Die vier hengelaars van die Fantastic Four-span wat die R100 000 eerste prys tydens verlede maand se Gys Pitzer Winter Classic-kompetisie by die Vaaldam gewen het – Wynand & Jeanine Swart en JC & Marissa Carlson. Jeanine en Marisa is nou wel nie gesoute provinsiale of nasionale hengelaars nie, maar hulle het beslis hul deel bygedra in die wensukses van hierdie span! Lees die volledige berig in hierdie uitgawe. FOTO: Jessica de Villiers.
ON THE COVER: The four anglers of the Fantastic Four team who won the R100 000 first prize at last month’s Gys Pitzer Winter Classic competition held at the Vaal Dam – Wynand & Jeanine Swart and JC & Marissa Carlson. Jeanine and Marisa may not be seasoned provincial or national anglers, but they surely played their part in the success of this team! Read the full article in this edition. PHOTO: Jessica de Villiers.
The latest digital edition of STYWE LYNE/TIGHT LINES is now available!