Stywe Lyne LESERS | Tight Lines READERS: September 2024

Hierdie bladsye is opgedra aan ons lesers om hul vangste te vertoon. 

OM IN TE SKRYF: E-pos ‘n foto en detail van die vangs as aanhegsels gemerk ‘Lesers’ na:

These pages are dedicated to our readers to showcase their catches. 

TO ENTER: Email an image and details of the catch as attachments to: marked ‘Readers’. 



Curt het hierdie 18kg tuna in Mauritius gevang. Hy was uit met die boot, La Rochelle vir ‘n diepseehengel ekskursie in Julie vanjaar. Die vis is gevang met ‘n vertical jig. Alta Dusse.


Vanaf die Margate Pier is hierdie leervis met ‘n lewende elf visaas met ‘n 14vt  stok en ‘n Penn katrol in Augustus gevang.


At Port Alfred Cyril caught this 20kg kob using a shad fillet as bait. He was out at sea with a 7 ft fishing rod paired with a Shimano ‘Saragosa’ grinder. Only one kob of more than 110 cm total length may be caught and kept per person per day regardless of area. His bait was a shad fillet. Always remember: You can get shad in winter and spring, seemingly all over the coast. Please note that shad fishing is closed from 1 October until 30 November. From December till late September you will have a lot of opportunities to target them. Go either early in the morning or at dusk.


Chantell het in Julie ‘n 11,5kg karp by Harties gevang. Die aas was sweetcorn boilies en sweetcorn op die bal. Sy en haar gesin het by Schoemansville gekamp, waar sy ook ‘n 7kg karp gevang het. Chantell vang nou met boilies en pop-ups, sy sê die aas hou langer en vang nou groter vis as met floaties.


Piet van Port Alfred was uit op die diepsee toe hy hierdie pragtige Miss Lucy gevang het.


Ek het hierdie grootbek-swartbaars in Potchefstroomdam gevang. Die gewig was 3,8kg, gevang met ‘n geel spinnerbait.


My uncle Pierre and I decided to go fishing so the day before we went to pump sand prawns. The following morning we were on the surf at Kabeljouws, to the right of the new mouth. We began fishing, and initially it was a slow day although I managed to catch four small steenbras. Then, suddenly I hooked into a fish that I carefully played. At first I thought it was another steenbras, but then I saw the white musselcracker in the waves — a beautiful fish. I was thrilled and very happy with the catch!


Two official Laurentia Lake records have been broken. Last month Asheen Naran, on Peg 6, caught ‘Twin Peaks Athena’ on 21kg late in the night, and early the next morning Stefan Swanepoel, with some 20 years’ experience in specimen fishing caught ‘Splittail’ on a 21,4kg on Peg 5. Well done to both members! The bait in both instances was liver boilies fished over only a handful of groundfeed. -Shanin Weir.


JACQUES KRUGER – Renosterkop Baars

Na ‘n lang week kon ek darem die Saterdag wegbreek na Renosterkopdam, geleë in die Mkhombo Natuurreservaat in Mpumalanga. Die dam is in die Elandsrivier gebou en is tot ‘n groot mate vry van hiasinte, alhoewel watergras welig gegroei het toe die damvlak baie laag was. Dit is by uitstek ‘n boothengel water en is een van ons goeie baarsdamme. Hierdie twee visse is net ‘n deel van die dag se vangs van meer as 20 visse, almal met ‘n Venom ‘Glitter’ spinnerbait gevang.

NICK EN CALLAGHAN VAN ZYL – Nog Baars by Renosterkop

Op ‘n Maandag by Renosterkop in die pragtigste hengelweersomstandighede – matigewarm lug en water temperature, hoë lugdruk en ‘n ligte noordweste briesie, kon ek en my seun, Callaghan lekker onder die baars inklim. Hier is voorbeelde daarvan. Ase wat die meeste vis gevang het was Venom se ‘Glitter’ spinnerbaits asook groterige loodkoppe in wit. -Nick van Zyl

Nick van Zyl
Callaghan van Zyl


The latest digital edition of STYWE LYNE/TIGHT LINES is now available!

The latest digital edition of THE BANK ANGLER / DIE OEWERHENGELAAR is now available!

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