Stywe Lyne Tight Lines JUNIORS: June 2024
Email a clear photo of a junior with his or her catch with the details of the catch, name and age, marked “Juniors” to:
NB: Fish must be held preferably in a horizontal position with two hands, with no fingers in the gills or eyes, and not hanging on a hook.
Photos of endangered species such as Brindle Bass, Natal Wrasse, Potato Bass, Sawfin and Seventy-Four are not accepted.
BELANGRIK: Dit is belangrik dat visse so vir foto’s geposeer word dat geen handeling, wat deur ander as mishandeling gesien kan word, verskyn nie. Die korrekte manier wat ons ons jong hengelaartjies moet leer is dat twee hande gebruik word, een onder die voorste gedeelte van die lyf en een onder die stertkant.
VERY IMPORTANT: By submitting images of persons under the age of 18 years for publication, the person doing so gives full permission to publish it.
BAIE BELANGRIK: Die persoon wat beelde van persone onder 18 jaar voorlê vir publikasie verleen volle toestemming om sodanige beelde te publiseer.
A very proud dad, showing Waldemar’s first big grunter. 👏 He used blood worm with a size 2/0 hook. It was a really hard fight, and it was also very nice to see my son fight this fish to the end on his own. Theo Swart.
Oscar, age 14, joined Gam Garrick Guided Fishing Tours for a fun day at the water. He had no clue what to do when it comes to fishing rock and surf but was extremely eager to learn. We started the morning with some bait collecting, rig set up and bait presentation and went to the water. He managed to land a well-deserved first time ‘cracker of 68cm fork length! Congratulations, young man. The fishing bug bit you hard! Pieter Smith.
My son (6 years) loves fishing! He always gets so excited when he is reeling them in … all those bass were caught at Primkop Dam in Mpumalanga. Tiaan Joubert.
Johan, age 12, had an amazing birthday present, a trip with Gam Garrick Guided Fishing Tours. He joined us not knowing anything at all about fishing. We started the morning with collecting bait, then over to casting. He was so eager to learn and wanted to go to the rocks from the word go. This young man managed on his own after showed what to do. Surprisingly he started casting on his own and managed to land some amazing fish.
My 10-jarige seun, Hendro is vreeslik lief vir hengel. Ons gebruik elke geleentheid om hom bietjie te vat om te gaan vis vang. Hy eet, slaap en droom daarvan. Van ’n klein seuntjie af is dit al wat hy wil doen. Janine Fourie.
’n Klein botteltjie … met ‘n massiewe kurper!
Milly, 7 jaar, vang ‘n Nylkurper (Oreochromis niloticus) van ‘n leeftyd wat 3,715kg weeg tydens ‘n skoleliga by Die Nyl, Mokopane. William Smith.
Ses-jarige Wessel met sy vangste wat hy einde verlede jaar gevang het by die Modderrivier, Bloemfontein.