7 days ago

    13 Top TIPS for particles

    Korda pro-staffer, Elliott Grey delivers a master class to take your particle carping to the next level. #foranglers #thebankangler #dieoewerhengelaar
    3 weeks ago

    Seisoensgroete | Season’s Greetings

    Van die span van Die Oewerhengelaar, Stywe Lyne en Bemarkings- en Drukkersdienste van All Lion Enterprises (Edms) Bpk, alle Beste…
    3 weeks ago

    Re-setting rigs

    One of the deadliest rigs for re-setting itself is also one of my personal favourites, namely the ‘stiff hinge’ rig. #foranglers…
    December 9, 2024

    Is groot karpe gebiedsgebonde?

    Om groot karp in ons groot damme te vind voel soms 'n bietjie soos 'n tref-en-trap affêre, en laat jou…
    October 31, 2024

    Hengel saam met RIAAN ALLEMAN

    Hierdie soet en suur waarna Alleman verwys gaan oor ons laaste besoek vroeg in September aan Roodekoppiesdam. #foranglers #thebankangler #dieoewerhengelaar


      August 6, 2021


      Most anglers plan their sessions weeks in advance, and the venues they have in mind are most often those that…
      April 16, 2021


      BIANCA OLIVIER, a mother of two, a true lover of Specimen Carp Fishing and a successful businesswoman.
      April 15, 2021

      Gilbert Foxcroft goes Feeder Fishing! | For Anglers Live – Ep 10

      We all associate Gilbert with the specimen carp angling facet. On the 9th of April 2021, Gilbert gave another facet,…
      April 6, 2021

      The Carpy Trifecta!

      Whenever a new syndicate is announced it’s a really big deal for our local scene. I mean think about it…
      March 12, 2021


      We anglers tend to strive towards overcoming the unknown, and few venues tend to be more so than Hartbeespoortdam.
      March 4, 2021

      Alpine Giants In The Alps

      My quest for giants has taken me worldwide, and I turned my attentions towards the Alps of Europe. One of…



      Knots & Rigs

        April 25, 2022

        SPECIMEN CARP ANGLING: Hooklink history and design

        I was recently requested to post a general article on hooklinks, after one of our regular anglers at Laurentia found…
        May 24, 2021

        The Famous Spinner Rig

        The Spinner Rig is known by many names, such as the Ronnie, German and Turbo German, but for the purpose…
        April 9, 2021

        How to tie a blow back rig | The KingFisher

        Gilbert Foxcroft shows us how to tie the old-fashioned blow back rig with a unique snowman presentation.
        March 25, 2021

        Roodekoppies Specimen Angling | For Anglers Live Ep 5

        Insightful tips from Gilbert Foxcroft during the Roodekoppies Weekend Clinic that took place on 26 to 28 February 2021.
        March 14, 2021

        The Scorpion Rig – South African-style!

        Since I started fishing as young boy, I was making rigs that I thought must work. Needless to say, they…
        March 9, 2021

        Beyond The Obvious – Rigs & Proper Hook Holds

        The aim when rig tying is to have a good hook hold, often with the lower bottom lip, or in…

        Latest Gear

          February 28, 2021

          Head to Head – Reel Mainlines

          With braid often getting all the headlines as the mainline of choice, the humble monofilament lines are relegated to the…
          December 27, 2020

          Head to head – Bite Indication

          We put the best bite indication gear in a head to head
          December 25, 2020

          REEL Review: Okuma 8k

          Okuma 8K carp reel distributed by Sensational Angling Supplies is real value for money! Here is a review of this…
          November 17, 2020

          Ridgemonkey in South Africa

          There is a new “monkey” in the South African Carp “jungle” that is changing the way we fish. Ridgemonkey
          November 1, 2020

          Lowrance and the 2020 WCC

          Fish are easier to find and easier to identify with FishReveal, which on a single screen combines the proven performance…
          September 22, 2020

          Head 2 Head – PVA fest

          One of Carp fishing’s iconic essentials, PVA has transformed presentation, feeding and catch rates irreversibly for anglers since its introduction;…
          September 13, 2020

          Head to Head – Bait Rockets, Spods & Spombs

          Having the ability to keep the bait going in can mean the difference between success and merely camping. One of…
          August 21, 2020

          Gear Guide

          Shimano Air-dry & Freezer Bag 5kgWhether it’s for homemade or shop bought boilies, keeping them fresh is important, which in…
          August 7, 2020

          Head to Head – Weigh Stations

          No angling session is complete without catching a couple of fish worthy of weighing, and it’ll be “Murphy’s Law” that…
          August 6, 2020

          Gear Guide – 4 Must Haves

          A rod rest is an often overlooked piece of kit, many anglers are left with limp choices or none at…
          July 5, 2020

          Head to Head – Big Pit Reels

          Our long awaited insight into one of specimen’s ultimate tools. The Big Pit Reel opens areas of the water, previously…


            New TOPS Regulations Open for Public Comment

            It's important for anglers to take note of the TOPS Regulations since there are certain freshwater fish species listed as…

            New TOPS Regulations Open for Public Comment

            It's important for anglers to take note of the TOPS Regulations since there are certain freshwater fish species listed as…

            New TOPS Regulations Open for Public Comment

            It's important for anglers to take note of the TOPS Regulations since there are certain freshwater fish species listed as…

            SPESIEBOOTKARPHENGEL: Nog internasionale kompetisies in vooruitsig

            In 2020 sou die eerste spesieboothengeltoernooi in Roemenië aangebied word, maar met die uitbreek van die 2019 pandemie is alle…

            Opwinding loop hoog in SPESIEBOOTFASET

            2022 gaan gemerk word as een van die hoogtepunte in die spesiebootfaset.

            Spesiekarp Toernooinuus

            Op Vrydag 1 April om 09:00 by die Roodekoppies Angling Resort het die 75 deelnemers aan die FK Specimenkompetisie bymekaar…

            Carp open being fished at the Nyl

            Latest results after 21 of 48 hours. The Officials are weighing this and new updates will be posted soon .…

            Cold weather on the way!

            Handre from Severe Weather Alerts brings us and update on a coldfront approaching South Africa.

            WORLD CARP CLASSIC SA QUALIFIER 2020 CHAMPIONS – The Bearded Anglers

            ‘n Droom vir baie jare vir die drie lede van “The Bearded Anglers” - Geoffrey Marais, Franco Marais en Jaco…

            Humble anglers from Delmas win SA Qualifier for World Carp Classic

            The WCCSA event is a highlight for the competitive Specimen Carp Angling community of South Africa mostly because the 1st…

            Readers Rights

              November 5, 2020

              Readers Rigs

              May 12, 2020

              Our Readers Rights (Readers Catches)

              On these pages we feature successful hook-ups made by our ever-increasing number of Specimen Carp Anglers in both local and…
              March 22, 2020

              Our Readers Catches March/April 2020

              MARIETTE NIGRINIKWAGGAHOEK DAMI would love to have my wife, Mariette in the magazine because I think she is a true…
              January 1, 2020

              Our Readers Rights (Readers Catches) – Jan / Feb 2020

              We feature successful hook-ups made by our ever-increasing number of Specimen Carp Anglers in both local and foreign waters.
              June 17, 2019

              Our Readers Rights (Readers Catches) – July / August 2019

              DENIQUE LOCHNER, KWAGGASHOEKDAM Wat ‘n voorreg was dit nie gewees nie, naamlik om diè potbelly te kon vang! Kwaggashoekdam het…


                November 25, 2022

                Wat is AAN DIE BROEI by Ifafi?

                September en Oktober is gewoonlik grootkarptyd by Ifafi, so dit is Riaan Alleman se gunsteling hengeltyd by dié gewilde oewer.
                October 20, 2022

                ‘Relentless runs’ – Rietspruit Dam

                Looking back over the past few months, the Adams family has paid visits to several resorts and different waters, but…
                August 26, 2022

                Konsert, mooi rivierkarpe en koue by UMFULA LODGE

                Einde Junie, vrek koud maar hengel sal Riaan Alleman hengel, so Umfula Lodge hier kom die Riekerts! 
                August 21, 2021

                Umgede River Lodge | For Anglers Live – Ep 25

                Umgede River Lodge is geleë langs die Vaalrivier aan die onderkant van Bloemhof dam. 'n Oord met privaatheid en ideaal…
                February 18, 2021

                LOSKOP VALLEY CARP

                On the outskirts of Mpumalanga lies the beautiful wilderness of Loskop Dam and its surrounding bushveld. Who knew it had…
                February 8, 2021

                Rietvlei Dam – Gauteng

                Rietvlei Dam on the eastern outskirts of Pretoria is well known amongst most carp anglers and for very good reason…
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