18 hours ago

    Stywe Lyne LESERS | Tight Lines READERS: February 2025

    Hierdie bladsye is opgedra aan ons lesers om hul vangste te vertoon. OM IN TE SKRYF: E-pos ʼn foto en…
    2 days ago

    Stywe Lyne Tight Lines JUNIORS: February 2025

    Email a clear photo of a junior with his or her catch with the details of the catch, name and…
    4 days ago

    STYWE LYNE TIGHT LINES February 2025: My Turn | My Beurt

    Verseker is ons hengelwêreld, hoe sal ek dit stel ... magies ...? ’n Te sterk woord, miskien, ja, maar daar…
    5 days ago

    ANGLING ON TELEVISION: Hier Gaan Ons Alweer Series 23 picks up speed!

    Hier Gaan Ons Alweer (Here we go again) is the top angling show on national TV and will broadcast its…
    5 days ago

    STYWE LYNE TIGHT LINES Cover: February 2025

    The quest for prize game fish and large edibles continued at Zavora, and Pieter Kruger landed yet another beautiful couta…


      1 week ago

      Rising Waters – Targeting Grass carp and Carp

      When the rain comes down in the Vaal and Grootdraai catchment areas, and especially if the Vaal Dam was low…
      2 weeks ago

      ROCK & SURF ADVENTURE: A Back Breaking Encounter!

      Fishing the Eastern Cape and particularly the Port Elizabeth areas my whole life, it wasn't common to see or even…
      May 31, 2023

      The Wels Catfish of Spain

      Every angler has a “bucket list” of fish that he or she wants to catch. Last year in June I…
      February 17, 2023

      KAYAK FISHING ADVENTURES: The Magnificent Green and Gold

      North Coast Kayak Fishing Club members, Carel Hunlun and Janine Morrison, were apprehensive of the launch that lay ahead as…
      January 23, 2023

      ZAMBEZI TIGER ADVENTURES: Chasing Trophy Tigers on the Zambezi

      Catch tigers in Africa’s wild waters, break your back against the bronze beasts of the West Coast, and go toe…
      January 23, 2022

      Baberklop op ’n “budget”

      Ek kon tot dusver nie ’n boot bekostig nie en het dus oor die jare van kano’s en kajakke gebruik…




        August 22, 2022

        Yamaha to Host Joburg’s Biggest Boat Show

        Taking place on the weekend of 2 to 4 September at the World of Yamaha in Johannesburg, the organisers boast…
        July 31, 2021


        Bootondersoeke, hoofsaaklik met die oog op veiligheid, is verpligtend. As jou boot aan die nodige voorskrifte voldoen kry jy ‘n…
        March 2, 2021

        Yamaha full interview | For Anglers Live Ep 2

        In an interview with All Lion Editor-in-Chief, Eugene C. Kruger, Yamaha Marine SA's GM, Melvin Victor admits that while the…
        June 8, 2020

        The “EVO”lution – Can Sea Dogs Learn New Tricks !?

        Mono hulls? Really? My attitude exactly when the notorious Ryan Hansen arrived in Mozambique with the new EVO for our…
        May 13, 2020

        Boating Tip: Tilt Motor Manually

        How to override the hydraulic system when the battery has gone flat and you need to tilt the motor manually.
        May 8, 2020

        Bootvaardigheid 4 – Lewensreddingsbaadjie vs Reddingsbaadjie

        Die SAMSA (South African Marine Safety Authority) regulasie het in die jaar 2007 bepaal dat slegs vlak 150 lewensreddingsbaadies op…


        Fishing Tips

        Fly Fishing


          October 31, 2022

          Die Nyl – ‘n Anderse ervaring!

          Die Nyl is ‘n geslote biodiversiteitsarea net buite Mokopane in die Limpopo-provinsie. Hier word die biodiversiteit noukeurig bestuur en floreer…
          August 19, 2022


          Klipdriftdam op die pad tussen Johannesburg en Potchefstroom is ‘n baie spesiale dam met ‘n baie spesiale karakter – nie…
          August 17, 2022

          Hengel met Frik & Riëtte

          Wie kon dink dat daar in die noorde van Pretoria, tussen besige hoofweë en nywerhede, ’n hengeldam bestaan met reuse karpe…
          October 25, 2020

          Amper ‘n Nuwe Wêreldrekord Baber!

          Seker een van, as nie diè bekendste baber-spesialishengelaar in die land nie, Hennie Möller van Centurion het in April weer…
          October 19, 2020

          Dinokeng Se Kurpers!

          Een van die waardevolle dinge wat my pa ons geleer het is die kuns van kurperhengel. Van die regte diepte,…
          October 18, 2020

          A day full of surprises on the Vaal river

          The Vaal River is truly a fly fishing heaven with so many different fish species available to catch – barbell,…


            February 14, 2023

            DIEPSEE-AVONTURE: ‘AFDAE’ Saam Met Vriendinne

            Verskoon die gebruik van my ‘seerowertaal’ waar ek Engelse woorde tussen Afrikaans gebruik, maar dit is hoe ek van die…
            October 7, 2020


            In Suid-Afrikaanse waters kry ons twee variasies van belman, naamlik Umbrina robinsoni en Umbrina canariensis. Eersgenoemde die mees algemeen in…
            October 5, 2020

            Wit Steenbras

            Al ooit gehoor van ’n vis wat so versnel dat dit ’n halfuur in 20 minute “flat” kan doen? En…
            October 3, 2020

            Natalse Stompneus

            Om die Natalse Stompneus visspesies te teiken, het manne soos Neels Visagie, Lynton Premlall en Brad Carr, almal van Zululand…
            August 25, 2020

            Elf Hengel

            Op uitnodiging om deel te neem aan hierdie Elfhengel artikel het ’n paar gesoute manne vir my gelag, want volgens…

            Knots & Rigs

            Latest Gear

              June 24, 2020

              ADRENALIN products

              Feast your eyes on these new items
              June 22, 2020

              New Daiwa Emblem BR 25A Reel

              Meet the NEW Daiwa Emblem BR 25A reel. Built on the chassis of the World-renowned Daiwa Cast’zm it packs a…
              June 2, 2020

              Daiwa Products

              The Skeleton Coast is not the normal beachfront where you take a rod and stroll down from the beachhouse to…
              December 3, 2019

              Tech Talk – Sensation Angling

              FEAST YOUR EYES ON THESE NEW ITEMSOkuma Revenger PRO X combo Nylon Travel Bag with Foam Cut-out, Adjustable shoulder strap,…
              December 3, 2019

              Tech Talk – Normark Africa (Pty) Ltd.

              FEAST YOUR EYES ON THESE NEW ITEMS MAG SPRING PLIERSBreaking new ground, these pliers utilize an ingenious patent pending “Mag-Spring”…
              December 3, 2019

              Tech Talk – The Kingfisher

              The Daiwa Exceler LT is one of the latest generation of reels based on the Light Tough (LT) concept -…

              Readers Catches

                March 31, 2023

                Ons lesers spog! / Our readers brag!

                LESERS VANG VIS! Hierdie is ons lesers se eie blad waarop hul vangste spog-erkenning verdien. / READERS CATCH FISH! This…
                June 28, 2020

                Catch Of The Month – June 2020

                Elke maand se Gelukkige Trekking wen ʼn leser hierdie pragtige geskenkpak geborg deur The Kingfisher
                June 26, 2020

                Readers Catches – Lesers se Vangste: June

                June 18, 2020

                Tiervis In Die Okavango

                Ek misgis my lelik met die vroegoggend se byt, veral toe ons deur 'n sykanaal dreun op pad na die…
                May 21, 2020

                Readers Catches – Lesers se Vangste: May 2020

                May 9, 2020

                My Secret Spot In Wilderness

                On Saturday, 8 February after an hour walk to get down to my secret spot in WiIderness, I geared up…


                  September 5, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the ST JOSEPH competition!

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the ST JOSEPH competition!
                  August 1, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the BLACKTAIL competition!

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT: Guess the mass of the BLACKTAIL and WIN an Adrenalin Fishing Tackle Hamper
                  July 3, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the BRONZE BREAM competition!

                  Guess the mass of the BRONZE BREAM and WIN an Adrenalin Fishing Tackle Hamper
                  June 1, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the SPECKLED PEACOCK BASS competition!

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT: Guess the mass of the SPECKLED PEACOCK BASS and WIN an Adrenalin Fishing Tackle Hamper
                  May 2, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the EAGLE RAY competition!

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the EAGLE RAY competition!
                  April 3, 2023

                  WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT OF: Guess the mass of the PACA PEACOCK BASS competition!

                  Guess the mass of the PACA PEACOCK BASS and WIN an Adrenalin Fishing Tackle Hamper
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